
Friday, September 9, 2016

3D Week 03 (Legos)

I didn't feel I was snapping things together cleanly enough to add to the group's scene and also hadn't had the chance to start on my programming assignment yet. I also was afraid I would just make it harder for the group to coordinate, so I again just did some exercises in order to practice the skills. I did however add my lego to the library.

This was my Lego piece.
In class we roughed together the shape using the base legos
At home I removed edges to try to combine them. This got tricky with the beveled edges
When I tried lining up vertices I knew I was making a mess and had some vertexes kind of allover. I was afraid to try to merge them. Also I had no clue how to close the hole shown above. I talked to Kay at the Houdini workshop and she had my start over from an unbeveled cube that was properly sized and showed me how to match it to the roughed out version and work from there.

This is what I ended up with. I still used the original lego dots from his samples. I got it in UE and then played around with some of the base blocks and one of the blocks my group made.
 That's my block in UE (currently floating so I could show it better) and here's picture I played around with. It's just a fence on grass.

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